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in the branch 意味

"in the branch"の例文


  • 支店の中で
  • branch     1branch n. 枝; 分科, 部門; 支店, 支部. 【動詞+】 adopt some branch of literature as a
  • a branch    a branch 分脈 ぶんみゃく
  • branch     1branch n. 枝; 分科, 部門; 支店, 支部. 【動詞+】 adopt some branch of literature as a profession 職業として文学のある分野を選ぶ The snow bent the branches of the trees. 雪の重みで木々の枝がしなっていた We broke off dead bra
  • branch into    ~に枝分かれする
  • branch of    《a ~》~の一分野{いち ぶんや}
  • s-branch    S-branch Sの枝[基礎]
  • to branch    to branch 分岐する[電情]
  • swing from branch to branch    枝から枝へ跳び移る
  • swinging from branch to branch    swinging from branch to branch 腕渡り うでわたり
  • (lateral) branch    (lateral) branch 別れ わかれ
  • a branch (of flowers)    a branch (of flowers) 一朶 いちだ
  • a branch family    a branch family 新宅 しんたく
  • a-v branch     A-V branch {略} : atrioventricular branch 房室枝{ぼうしつし}
  • acetabular branch    寛骨臼枝{かんこつきゅう し}
  • acoustic branch    acoustic branch 音響的分枝[基礎]


  • in the branch in which the sample radiates
  • this variety was grown in the branch station for tea industry of the nara prefectural agricultural experiment station .
  • in the branch family of baron shijo , there is woman who inherited the shijo-ryu hocho-do (shijo-ryu cuisine ).
  • i don ' t know how the spring breeze makes a knot in the branch of the green willow when ice melts (shika wakashu )
    いかなれば氷はとくる春かぜにむすぼゝるらむ青柳の糸 (詞花和歌集)
  • in the branch castles of the sanada main castle , masayuki ' s cousin yoriyasu yazawa and uesugi ' s enpei (reinforcements ) were besieged .
  • the aim of the project was to construct a dam in the branch of kizu-gawa river (kyoto prefecture ) to adjust water volume to protect the osaka plains from flooding .
    大阪平野を洪水から守るため、木津川 (京都府)支流に水量調節用のダムを建設する計画であった。
  • both monks immediately taught the aim of new government around the villages in the domain and just after the end of the teaching tour , on february 15 , 1871 , hattori issued a summons to appear in the temple in the branch office , and asked them about the merger of the temples which was a part of the reformation .
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